Best Wedding Venue in Meerut
Pre-Wedding and Wedding Events in Meerut. Book Now for Unforgettable Memories!
Contact UV Club Meerut Now for Booking
Reach out to UV Club Meerut for booking the perfect venue for your pre-wedding and wedding events. Contact us today to make your special day unforgettable.
Contact No
+91 7895716552
+91 9068127292
NH-58 Bypass Road, Near Kankerkhera
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM on all days except function
UV Club Services
UV Club is located on NH-58 bypass road in Meerut and approximately about one km when traveling from Kankerkhera to Delhi. UV Club is a premier destination for pre-wedding and wedding functions, social gatherings, ceremonies and ritual celebrations, business travellers and corporate events etc. Choosing UV Club for organising any event offers several advantages. With its premier facilities and dedicated event management team, UV Club can provide a professional and seamless experience for all events. The luxurious and well-equipped venue caters to the specific needs of clients and offers a conducive environment for events such as Wedding, Anniversary, Engagement, Mehndi, Birthday party, Corporate event, Social events for the welfare of society etc.
Wedding Function
Professional services for wedding and engagement ceremonies to make your special day memorable.
Ring Ceremony Services
Exquisite ring ceremony services to celebrate your love and commitment with style.
Organise pool party/Cocktail party, we offer one of the best swimming pool in Meerut
Swimming Pool Services
UV Club Meerut FAQs
Discover answers to commonly asked questions about UV Club Meerut, including details on hosting large gatherings of 1500 pax.
What types of events can be hosted at UV Club ?
UV Club offers premier facilities for weddings, corporate events, and social gatherings in Meerut.
What is the seating capacity of the UV Club Resort?
Luxurious Venue Space Enjoy a well-equipped and comfortable environment tailored for weddings, parties, and corporate functions. Easily host 1000-1500 Pax
What facilities and amenities are available at UV Club Wedding Venue?
Dedicated Event Management
Luxurious Venue Space - Can host 1200- 1500 Pax
Comprehensive Event Solutions
Parking Space - Can manage 250 cars at same time.
Indoor & Outdoor Catering - Allows other catering services.
Dedicated space for Pool Party - Host about 200 pax
Is there a catering service available at UV Club Banquet Hall?
Yes, we provide in-house catering services with a wide range of menu options to suit your preferences and dietary requirements. We also allow outdoor catering services in case you want to bring your own catering services.
How can I book the UV Club Banquet Hall for my event?
You can book UV Club visiting us or call us on +91 7895716552 or +91 9068127292. You can also visit our website and reach us by filling a contact us form, one of our sales representative will assist you with the process.
Do UV Club have a swimming pool ?
Yes, UV Club have a dedicated pool area which have a capacity to host a gathering of 100-200 Pax. Pool area can be used for cocktail party, ring ceremony, birthday party etc.